So many RVs...

I stopped by not one, but four RV dealers today. I've looked at so many makes/models/layouts that I feel like I'm qualified to be an RV dealer. I'm really looking forward to the RV show next Thursday because I have so many questions and in person resources that I need. If only I came from an RVing family, this would be so much easier.

After spending some time on RV & Nismo forums, I've reconsidered a few things.

-I will need a smaller trailer, probably 21' or less, and at most 5,000lbs but probably much less.
-I will not get everything I want in my first travel trailer with my current truck. I need to re-evaluate my hard limits. Suddenly a smaller fridge and wet bath are looking more appealing.
-I value life. I don't want to tow my first travel trailer and kill someone or die because my trailer is too big, my truck is too small, and I'm way too inexperienced. I know I won't know everything until I hit the road and actually start doing it, but I'd like to try not to commit suicide or homicide on my maiden voyage.

New things I'm looking at (for future reference):
-Escape & Scamp fiberglass 5th wheels.
-Evergreen i-Go Trailers (C183RB is just so pretty!)
-Falcon travel trailers (falcon-f-21rb) are also pretty
-A place to put the cat box is almost, if not more, important than having a dry bath.


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